Karl Mackie at PAVILION, Newquay


If you are looking to establish a photography business that aligns with your passions and can help you earn a living, you might feel overwhelmed by the prospect. However, there is no need to worry. Photography mentoring is a personalized approach that can benefit photographers at any stage of their journey.

Louise Ropagnol in Biarritz with Twothirds


Photographers may seek assistance for various reasons. Some may want feedback on their work, while others may need guidance on how to pitch to their ideal clients or optimize their photography business for financial stability. I have mentored A Level students up to degree level, as well as amateurs and professionals with a variety of options to meet your specific needs, ranging from a 90-minute consultation via Zoom to a year-long program that is customized to help you achieve your goals.

If you're looking for more personalized mentorship tailored to your specific requirements, check out the options below for my undivided attention.

Karl Mackie surf image on a Laptop


A customized Zoom session tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need a review of your latest work or a comprehensive overview of your business model, we can cover all aspects including, but not limited to:

• Portfolio Review
• Image Critique
• Workflow
• Editing
• Branding
• Social Media
• Pitching
• Pricing


Girl working at a desk


4 x 90-minute Zoom sessions to be used over 12 months, 90 minutes at a time or combined to create longer sessions. Think of this as a more In-depth mentorship on making your photography business work for you. Whether you need a review of your latest work, advice on shooting & editing or a comprehensive overview of your business model, we can cover all aspects including, but not limited to:

• Portfolio Review
• Editing
• Building your brand
• Pitching
• Workflow
• SEO Overview
• Social Media


People gathered around a table at Kudhva in Cornwall


A 12-month mentoring program, 90 minutes at a time or combined to create longer sessions tailored to meet the specific needs of photographers, designed to help beginners launch their professional journey or for those who want to take their existing business and move it forward even further.

The program is based on a modular personal development solution. You will establish new objectives after each session, which we will review at each stage. Included in the 12-month mentoring programme but not limited to:

• 11 x 90-minute Zoom sessions
• One Full-Day Outdoor Workshop in Cornwall
• Portfolio Review
• Ongoing Support and Advice after the sessions have finished
• One signed Fine Art Print from my online store

This programme can be paid quarterly.
